Get to know the owner of Spoken Glass Vo: Veraciously Outspoken.

I am Jess Glass, and I am absolutely, 100%, VERACIOUSLY outspoken!
Veraciously Outspoken? What??
When I feel passionately about things, I am all-in. I'll research, discuss, and write about whatever is consuming my thoughts at that time.

However, I'm not going to sugar-coat everything, and I sure as hell am not going to pretend to be something that I'm not (you know, except for when I'm voice acting... but, that's business. It's totally different). I'm sweet and caring and philanthropic and empathetic- but don't cross me. I'm like a sour patch kid, I guess.
Our house rule: "You be good to me, and I'll be good to you." It's pretty basic- but it holds us all (blah, yes, including me) accountable.
I'm an Entrepreneur
I received my business management degree while I was pregnant and worked in sales and office management up until 2015, when I then decided to leave the 9-5 and start a company with my husband. I had always known I would own a business, but I never thought I'd own a tree service company! I don't know diddly-squat about that industry- but I knew that I knew the business side and enough marketing tricks to get us started. We made the perfect team: he did the hard labor stuff and handled his crew, while I worked from home, in the a/c, on the back-end.
Bigger and Better!
Things were going well!... well, until I realized I wanted more. Sure, I could keep myself busy all day filing or posting on social media or learning how to write code for SEO, but it just wasn't my passion. The business was rolling and I had everything streamlined. We had a great system and it no longer required long periods of my time. I started to think about things that I wanted to do, instead of trying to just find a job. I remembered, laying in bed at 3 a.m., that I really enjoyed recording all of the voice greetings/mailboxes for the 10+ companies in the past 4 years. This commercial was on tv in the background and I thought, "I can totally do that! I can use a mic and record some stuff and be on tv too!" So, I set out to find out what being a Voice Over Artist was all about.
I had no idea. Really. "What was a DAW? And noise floor? What do you mean turn the gain up?" And that was just the very beginning of the equipment information I had to absorb. (That doesn't even touch on voice quality concerning tone, pitch, emphasis, range, tempo, etc.) I had the opportunity to go to a studio, with a coach and a producer, and really see what it was like to do it like "the pros". I loved it! I absolutely fell in love.
The adrenaline is insane, and then finding the balance between acting and being natural... yeah. That was my happy place. Shortly after, I took classes, had private coaching, took small jobs and volunteered in order to gain experience beyond that of the telephony that I had stumbled upon years prior.
I've had my own home studio for over a year now. I've picked up several clients and have not stopped learning. I'm involved with an amazing group of voice actors who all try to lift each other up and keep us up-to-date on the hottest trends. ((The cheesy car-salesman tone is out!)) It's definitely something I intend to do for a long time.
That's not all!
I also work as a "face" for an all-natural skin care line. The owner was actually one of my previous telephony VO clients (for several of his companies), so I knew that I was game for any project he had in mind. The co-founder has taught me marketing/social media techniques, as well as breathing techniques required for voice over recordings. The videographer on our team has also proven completely invaluable with helping me deliver more natural sounds and to decrease performance anxiety. Besides loving the brand's products, I've also become a content writer for their blogs.
Coming Up Soon:
I will continue posting blogs regarding my personal thoughts and feelings, as well as information on skin care and art-life.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read all of this. I know it's a lot, but I hope I was able to cover all of the basic points of my very, very busy (but oober amazing) career.
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